Friday, August 3, 2012

We Did It!.......Finally

I just re-read my last blog.....I lied. 

We didn't launch on the Monday after removing the building.  We tried.  It didn't work.

After a couple of hours of jacking, moving blocks, jacking, moving blocks and jacking it was evident the Scout was not going to work on the trailer. Scout has a full keel and it is designed to support the weight of the boat. The trailer was not going to support the weight on the keel. I pulled the plug.

I have no pictures which is good.  I'm hoping the memories of that day fade away.

"No problem" say..... "Just find another trucker". Well think again. We're in the land of 'go fast Clorox bottle' boats. Wanna move your 35' problem. Wanna move your 30' Sundowner Tug...problem.

After a few days of calling around Missourah and getting no where, I went back to the folks that hauled Scout in four years ago.  EMI Transport.  If we have the $$$$ they have the time ( and know how). But...and BIG's the 4th of July and nothing is going to get in the way of a truckers 4th of July. Bottle rockets rule.

A date was set and we're back on go. Life is good. least better.

Excited about getting back on the water and having some time to spare before the truckers showed up. We decided to take the Whaler to the Lake for the day and  'scout' (pun intended) out the area.

BAD idea. Shit happens but it's not supposed to happen to you, right?        It happened.

When we were on the boat ramp launching the Whaler, Julie slipped, fell and shattered the bones in her wrist. We're both seasoned boat launchers and accustomed to slick ramps. We even made a few comments about the 'slick sob' right before she fell. But as I said, shit happens.

Three hospitals and a quart of morphine later Julie was resting comfortably.
Surgery was just a day away (and so were the truckers)
I am happy to report that the surgery went great. All the little screws and the metal plate have the bone fragments back where they belong.

Prognosis is good.

With truckers and surgery scheduled for the same day it seemed in my best interest to cancel the truckers.

Many, many years ago when I was leaving for a 3 week rodeo tour of Oklahoma, Texas, Lousianna, Florida and Tennessee my traveling partner was saying his goodbye to his wife who was 9 months pregnant. His parting words were..."Call me if it's a boy".....  I've tried hard over the years not to be like Leroy.

The launch date was rescheduled.  Life is good. least better.

Launch day came again and no truckers.  Truck is broke. Not sure what but it's a fuel problem.  They think.

I'm starting to think Scout wants to stay in the driveway. Bad juju everytime the word 'launch' is spoken.

Then the phone call...'we'll be there in four hours'.  Life is good. least better.

Serious pucker factor.

Professional operator on a closed course. Do not try this at home.

Here's a bit of before and after.....

Four plus years ago. Scout coming to the house.

Scout leaving.

No leaks are a good thing.

Down the fairway to the slip.

The END.....It's been a long time coming.  Part of me is glad and part is sad. Still strange to see the big empty space in the driveway.'s a boat and the boat projects will never end.

Aside from the condensation line on the AC which had to be re-routed. Everything is working as planned.  We are very happy and proud with what we accomplished. More blogs to come with Scout on the water and some of the refit projects in more detail.

I showed you Julie's wrist....wanna see my bug bite?