Friends and family used to ask "When is the boat going to be done?". Now I'm getting "What are going to do with all your time when the boat is done?".
Short answer is DRINK.
But, that's not entirely true. While, enjoying a nice bottle (poured from a box into a old's our secret) of Pinot Noir while hanging on the hook in a nice secluded cove is definitely in the cards. I can't sit still for long.
Taking care of the farm, house, vehicles and equipment here can be a full time job if you let it. It's not a bad way to spent the day and I enjoy doing this kind of work.
Another but, I have another love (in the expensive hobby category) besides boats -wildlife photography.
I can get consumed in it and have been in the past. Maybe, just maybe, I can go back.
I thought I'd post some of photo's from the past. They were all stashed away on CD's. Hundreds of them. Some scanned from the 35mm days and some from my transition to digital. I haven't look at them in years and really forgot what was where. So grabbed the first one I came to and popped it in the computer.
As I opened the folders in CD, I found bird pictures. Not the best of the best but representative of the vast majority. Mixed in with the birds were pictures of pets now gone and some friends now gone. It brought back a flood of memories and tears to my eyes. I stopped with the first CD.
Here are some pictures from the past.
Finch on Teasel
Mountain Bluebird
Sandhill Crane
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Dixie Queen
Kitu Puppy
I miss you Dixie and Kitu.