Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fuel tank saga.

Today was a good day. Not a good weather day because we're having wind, rain and severe thunderstorms all around us. It was a good boat day. The fuel tanks are back!

It all started here-

That's the 'butthold'.

It's where fuel tanks live.

You put the fuel tanks in there and then you build a boat around them. Don't ask me why...?'s just the way they do it. That way, when you need to replace or service your tanks you get to cut the boat apart to get to them.
A previous owner had replaced the fuel tanks a few years before we purchased Scout... and yes...he cut the boat apart...and yes...he totally screwed the pooch.
Time for another boat surgery to access the tanks and other treasures hidden away in the 'butthold'.

Can you say nasty..?

After a few days of rip and tear. Out came the tanks and they were stashed away until the day it was time to 'restore' the aluminum fuel tanks.  I'm thinking this was maybe two years ago.

That's Julie doing all  the work. I love you Julie!

Here are the two fuel tanks and water tank all sanded, steam cleaned, coated with Gluvit (epoxy) and painted. Taking up room in the shop.

Brand new Moeller reed type fuel gauge senders installed. They actually work. I know this because I was smart enough to test them before installing them in the tanks where they will never be seen again....I hope.

Remember the 'butthold'...?

That's what it looked this morning. Can you say 'months and months of work'? There's a blog or two about the work done in there.

And now the tanks.

After 3 years and 11 months they're back where they belong.

It was a good boat day.