Friday, May 3, 2013

Can We Get A Jet Ski?

"Can we get a jet ski?"

                                     Biscuits, walks, now jet she'll be wanting a Harley!

Spring just can't seem to arrive. It tries but just can't make it. Got the Whaler ready to take to the lake on Monday but this morning it was 34 degrees F and raining. Not much improvement forecast for next few days so maybe next week.

Who needs a stinking jet ski? 

I had my first charter captain gig at the lake Saturday. They just cancelled. Low 40's and rain....probably not what they had in mind. Hardly seems like fun.

"Did someone say Harley?"
                                                                    No, I said 'hardly'.

Guess we'll just stay home and snuggle.

"Stop!...You're making me feel uncomfortable again."

Pray for SPRING!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Moving On

It's been awhile since I posted on the Blog.

December thru February were cold non-boating months and I stayed busy enough to procrastinate things like updating the Blog.

This last month has been a rough one for me.  I have been lost for words to explain how I feel. I'm not sure I have them now's time to move on.

Last month I lost a very close and dear friend. It has left a very large void in my life. When not doing boat stuff together we found the time to talk and text daily.  Mostly sarcastic bull-shit stuff that wouldn't mean anything to anyone but us.

We were close friends but at the same time very different people.  Boats and sailing brought us together.
Mutual respect, humor and the fact that we just enjoyed each others company kept us together.

It was a senseless accident but there is some salvation in the fact that he was doing exactly what he wanted to do.

Those of you that know him know the details. For the rest, I'm not going into them here.

In my last Blog I referred to him a Sun Drop.  His name is Denny and I miss him.

Rest in peace my friend.